So as I said in my previous blog my mum, my cousin and I went on a tour of south of Japan. This entry is about stop number 2; Atami. This section was meant to last 2 days, time to recoup our energy and relax, well that is not quite what happened. Read on to found out more.
After spending most of the day in Kyoto we jumped on a train on our way to Atami, that was more challenging than it needed to be too. We realised that the journey was somewhat longer than we had expected, so we thought we would upgrade our tickets to reserved seats. We have done it before but the guy at the desk just was not having it and didn't really want to help us, he did eventually and only by refunding the tickets and then charging us again. And then charging Amy the full price.
When we finally arrived it was dark and we decided to get a taxi to the hotel, just as well as it was miles away up a hill. We were tired and when realising it was so far away and asked if we could have dinner at the hotel, No. We assumed it was because it was late so we headed off back down to the town via another taxi. The town was CLOSED! Only 2 restaurants open, and one was McDonalds and the other was a sushi restaurant which was kinda crappy. However the view from our room was amazing and the beds were quite comfortable after some adjustments made by Amy which involved me sleeping on what looked like a marshmallow or a cloud.
We woke up and before went to breakfast, nothing special, and then went to the reception to ask about dinner again. This time we were told it was not included in our price (which we knew) we said we would pay. "No, Impossible!". We literally laughed out loud and just walked off. We decided to have a picnic in our room instead.
It's not OK to be in the middle of nowhere and not serve your guests food especially when the nearest place to eat is a 10 minute taxi journey and its closed.
We made our way to the beach which was OK, but our experience at the hotel had already tainted our vision and it was hard to relax. We had lunch a place called Jonathan's which overlooked the beach and kept ourselves out of the midday heat. The rest of the day was spent on the beach, hot, soft sand and lovely blue skies. The sea was sublime; clear blue and not extremely cold, refreshing and it had pontoons that you could swim out to. The afternoon was stress free and very relaxing and I don't think any of us wanted to go back to the hotel.
Needless to say we were not enthused at our time in Atami and the next day we had planned to spend on the beach. But after the events of the previous days we decided instead to go to Tokyo early. We woke up super early; called for a taxi, guzzled breakfast and checked out. Unbelievable when we checked out they gave us a leaflet about their restaurant with the receipt! Oh yeah the food that cheap and good quality but we can't eat, argh!
We jumped in the taxi and we were off to Tokyo!!!
See you there :)
Maria xx
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