Monday 18 January 2016

Its been a while

Happy New year, welcome 2016.

Its a new year; fresh starts, time to refocus... and all that malarkey. But honestly I'm annoyed at myself for the lack of input on my blog in the last quarter of 2015, I could come up with a billion excuses but that just seems pointless.

Well as I said time to start a fresh, although its already nearly February, shhhhh. I have become kinda backlogged in posts that I planned to write about things I have done in the past 3 months, and I know some are you are waiting to hear about my half term in October and now my Christmas break, I will get there eventually sit tight (haha imagine if you are reading this standing, you get the point though).

So the plan for the blog in 2016 is, well of course carry on telling you about my experience in Japan. But not just posts about various trips, but short blogs about small activities, funny stories and university applications as that is a big part of this year.

I want to say I aim to upload once a week but I feel like I'm not sure I could keep to that. Therefore I propose 1 blog post every fortnight (2 weeks), that sounds achievable right? *fingers crossed*. But you never know look out for Bonus posts.

I hope you all are having a great start to 2016 and I WILL see you in the near future

Maria x

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