So with all the planning and becasue my mum is in such high demand ;) our flights were booked for the 30th of June. Which left us with less than 10 days to get organised. Best and worst week ever, so little time and so much to do. Not only did we have to pack and ship everything as well as cancel/reduce our bills (boring adult stuff), but i also had a lot of arrangements already.
The day after we got back to English soil I had my friend's belated 18th Birthday! To say the least I was tired, jet lag is worse on the way back - probably has something to do with the fact I did not sleep on the flight back. That aside, I had so much fun and there are so many good ... and bad memories from that night. 18th party = alcohol, which lets just say it doesn't mix well with jet lag. That's not to say I got 'hammered' but I did get a bit 'tiddly'. Which made socialising easier, I think, which was good because there were new and old people as well as my closest friends. The party also had a theme so if you were stuck with what to say you could just play the guessing game; Who are you? The theme was Fictional Character so I went as a Gingerbread Man/Women, to be honest I hadn't had a lot of time to prepare (being in Japan and all) so that's what I had in my closet.

Things to note about a UK 18th Parties
- There is normally alcohol- Its always a laugh for one reason or another
- At least one person has to go home early because they've been sick for one reason or another, however this could be just my experience as I've only been to 3 - I'm not that popular.
- There is always one argument
After the jam packed weekend it was time for a brief interlude of boring stuff. I had to go to school on Tuesday and Wednesday to go to a few classes as well as meet my teachers to discuss my trip to Japan. Overall all it went well, but of course you don't always agree with everything they say. We then had plenty of paperwork as well as going to the Embassy of Japan to apply and collect our visas. Not that I can really complain because the embassy is near Green park underground and round the corner is Harvey Nichols (expensive department store). So I was able to use my powers of persuasion to get lunch in the restaurant, which we used to go to regularly when I danced in London. Depending on who you ask, this was planned or not, but there just happened to be SALE!!! Some sales are bad, there is no point if it just 20% but this beauty was 60% - I nearly died. When it comes down to it I ended up spending my birthday money on a Michael Kors bag, its beautiful and I feel in love almost instantly and then I saw the price tag and I couldn't let it go.
My friends came back to mine and we really didn't get much sleep, when we woke up the moving men had already arrived. My friends stayed all day which was really great, even though I felt really bad as I thought it would be really boring. Packing was so confusing as I am only going for 6 months, we couldn't say "just pack everything", there were 4 different options; Go-AIR, Go-Ship, Storage and Stay. It doesn't get much more confusing and because we had been so busy we were unable to do any prep. So they asked us to do a walk through, which was fine we are tidy and we roughly knew what we were taking, but I had just had 3 teenage girls in my room for 2 days so my room was a tip - they very wisely decided to leave my room for Monday.
The weekend was just as busy; packing, labelling, sorting out arrangements and buying last minute things like ibuprofen which they don't seem to have in Japan. And when they do its prescription only and really tiny doses because they are generally smaller people in comparison. My boyfriend came over Sunday night to help. I'm going to miss him so much. Oh wait almost forgot, on Sunday morning I had my ballet exam! It went well except that day was particularly hot and humid and I am pretty sure I looked like a tomato throughout. Also due to the heat my feet had swollen up, my pointe shoes are normally very comfortable (as comfortable as standing on your toes can be) and I can dance well but that day it was just not happening. I was all over the place.
When the movers came back on Monday everything was labelled and the process was a lot more smoother as well as quick. Everything was packed up and taken to their respected places leaving our house quite empty. The next morning we were on our way to the airport, next destination Japan with 6 bags of luggage!
Maria xx
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