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Thursday 7 June 2018

Hello again,

“So I think we have established that I am not very good at this. And to be cliche its mostly because I'm a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to social media and especially my blog. That combined with having what feels like no time to do anything other than architecture, means there has been considerably little here.

That's my bad, Well it's 2018 now and I'm guna try to be a little more relax and actually post at least twice this year. Haha, I joke.”

Maria January 2018

Wo~w ... great start. My intentions were in the right place but it seems I didn’t even get the chance to post them. *facepalm* The first half of this year has been beyond chaotic, but I finally feel its come to a close - or I’ve just become acclimatised to it.

Point is, I’ve loved writing on my blog the last few years and no matter how busy its not something I want to ‘give up’.

That in mind, I WILL be posting here and I’ve set myself some light-hearted rules:

1. Stop being such a perfectionist
2. Things don't have to be in chronological order
3. Talk about whatever the heck I want
4. Posts don’t have to be 10 pages long - short or long, everything is good
5. Try not to go M.I.A but if I do, these ‘sorry I’ve been inconsistent’ posts need to go.

Okay, now we’ve got that sorted and (I have adequately roasted myself), I am currently sitting by the pool on my first girls summer holiday. We went to Bulgaria, and posts about that will be around imminently.

Thank you for sticking around,

Maria x

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Hello again,

So as you guys may or may not know, last year I completely renovated my whole entire house. However with any project like this, it may have technically finished the end of last year, there were a few things to tweak/add... etc. Which has been a major factor for not updating you guys at all. 

But as the final touches start to come together I thought I would start letting you guys in on the final piece and the little tips and tricks I have picked up on the way. 

So as I mentioned, once I got back from Japan and my extensive travels through Asia were over, I returned to a very empty home in the UK. And as it had been empty for almost a year, it was glaringly obvious that the house needed a complete overhaul. And seeing as the furniture wouldn't come back until December it made perfect sense to renovate.

See the thing about redecorating it is 100% easier to do it when there is not a bunch of 'crap' you have to move around. Another thing is when you live in a compact/open plan house *scratch that* if you live in any house once you've revamped one room the other rooms look even worse than they did before. When you realise that the bathroom you thought was white for 7 years is actually grey, once white; many a life time ago, it's quite easy to catch the bug.

As with anything though I tried to be organised because I am a very organised person I promise! I made a long extensive list, I love a good list me.

So this is my MEGA List as I called it, and a warning to this day not everything on it is done... yet!
  • Quotes for Basement tanking
  • Redo Basement tanking 
  • Declutter 
  • Paint 
    • Kitchen/Hall
    • Lounge
    • Basement 
    • Bathroom 
    • Woodwork (whole house)
  • Door curtain 
  • New curtains in Lounge
  • S's bedside table 
  • Window seat M
  • Window seat L
  • Paint TV cabinet
  • DIY 
    • Kitchen shelves
    • shelves
  • Glue down puckering wallpaper
  • Fix lights is bedrooms 
  • Sell 
    • bedside table 
    • radiator cover 
    • sofas x2
    • bed
    • coat stand
  • Buy 
    • sofa
    • carpet
    • flooring 
    • chair
    • blinds
    • armchair 
  • Redo Kitchen Work surface ENTIRELY!
There is probably a lot missing, and I can predict that some of these don't make any sense to you but hold tight it will all make sense soon.

It is important to know what you are doing before you attempt a mammoth project like this so I would suggest you make your own MEGA List. As you can see my list is a bit of mess, take it from someone that has made many boo-boos, I would recommend going through each room and writing down everything that needs to be done in that room and then go to the next room and so on.

I also made an accurately measured floor plan, this helped a bunch when looking at new furniture and playing with the orientation in each room. It also helps if you are having trouble visually imagining the space finished.

Me being a budding architect I used software like Sketchup and Auto CAD to do this, however, this is not at all necessary.  You can either do this the proper old fashioned way with a piece of graph paper and pencil and a scale of some sort, or you can use a piece of very easy internet software called Planner5D. Free for amateurs to use to make simple floor plans and even better with one click of a button it makes it a 3D model for you!

My Last tip for the project is, if you haven't already, Pinterest the heck out of it. Create as many boards as you like over some time and reflect every now and again. Pinterest is a great place to hone your aspirations, style and understand the feel you want for each room.

WARNING, try not to fall into the trap of replicating a picture you found, you want to take inspiration but then make it your own. To replicate is to just have a catalogue home and if you aspire to have a home that is 'Pinterest worthy' it has to be clever, unique and desirable. This is achieved through making your own design, by combining the best of what Pinterest has to offer.

So that was possibly a lot of babble, and I know you are dying to know what the house looks like. So ... here is a little sneaky peek... 

Whether you guys are thinking about renovating or just nosey about what my house looks like, I hope you liked it and stay tuned to hear about each room individually.

Toodles, Maria x


Monday 12 June 2017

What's Happening! (eww weird)

However weird it's a good question, isn't it, I have been terribly inconsistent even though I have plenty to write about. But the good news is I back! - for a good amount of time *fingers crossed* 

So I've decided to create a little series called 'British Byway' in which I will chit chat about all my wanderings around Britain. 

Which brings me to my first instalment, I decided to join my mum in County Durham. Obviously, you had no idea unless you follow me on Instagram (@solvingmaria), but to be fair neither did I. I travelled up on Saturday evening and I didn't book the train ticket until 2 hours before I had to hop on the train.  

The train journey was an adventure in itself, seeing as Belle my fluffy rough collie was coming with me and had never been through London. She was an angel as always of course but I felt like a proud mommy seeing her cope so well even on the tube. Even though we had to take hundreds of steps down as dogs aren't allowed on escalators. not to mention Belle is almost 13 she's not so keen on steps either.

Anyway once we arrived it was rather late so the adventures began on Sunday, but I think I'll save that for later. 

Today I wanted to talk about Monday, my mum had gone to work so it was just Belle and I, with no car in the middle of nowhere, pretty much. we had a pretty chill morning and I did some research and found a village nearby. therefore we left for the village to find somewhere for lunch. Unfortunately, after about an hours stroll there we arrived to find that the town was shut on Mondays. 

This is Belles Face as I  left her at the top stile for a moment, 
one of many I struggled to get over. 
Bear in mind there is amount a metre between that step and the ground below.

Trying not to be too disheartened I decided that we would take a public footpath back instead of just the side of the road. Though I'm not entirely sure whether that was a good idea. Well, there were pros & cons; Pros - hilarious photo, cons - we were lost for a considerable amount of time. 

The point is it was fun! and I have some photos to share. 

See you soon, to tell you about ... actually, I'm not sure yet. 

Hey ho, I hope you enjoyed the read and come back soon for more. don't forget you can make this easier by following my blog using the button on the right --> 

Maria x 


Tuesday 11 April 2017


My bad, I have been a little absent recently. I have been one busy lady, they might say.

However, now it is in easter and I'm on holiday. Yay! I will fill everything in ASAP but for now, I have this for you.

Exciting! The past few days I have been in the Grampians about 3 hours away from Melbourne, and I thought I would have a go at a little travel diary.

I really hope you enjoy/ed it, let me know in the comments below and don't forget to follow so that you keep up to date with my erratic post schedule. (I'm trying to combat that)

Maria x

Sunday 5 March 2017

Good evening,

So aside from the never-ending catch-up, it's nice to write about something a little more current. However, saying that I don't really plan on writing a lot - mostly pictures today I think. But you know me I'll have to get back to you on that because I'm sure by the end it will be completely the opposite.

Anyway, last month I had a weekend off so I decided the normal student thing to do was was travel to the end of the country on a train. Normal of course. Not a completely wasted trip I assure you, a few of my friends are at uni there, as well as my grandma that lives nearby.

First Stop Grandmas, I wasn't going to get away with travelling all that way ad not popping in, I kid, I love my grandma to pieces, in fact, the night I arrived I went to La La Land with her. Side note - AMAZING film. My cousin Amy (Blog) even came up from Plymouth to go to the cinema and catch up.

Next stop Plymouth, my trip was not exactly planned in advance so getting in touch with everyone was a little difficult, however, I did, of course, see my cousin and one of my friends from Tokyo. Geoff (Photography Instagram) and I managed to arrive ourselves, we even went for Sushi, but let's be honest English sushi I just not the same in comparison with Japan. It's expensive and lets not even get into the fact that I ordered a cucumber sushi roll and the rice was warm! Anyway, it was really good to catch up me, I hadn't seen anyone from Japan since June so it had been a long time.

Later on that weekend, the sunshine decided to poke its head out for an afternoon, so we decided to venture out with our cameras in tow. It was still incredibly windy, so it's a good thing I don't vlog, despite many people's insistence, I should.  We went to The Hoe, and it was surprisingly not freezing which meant we were able to take nice pictures of us as well as of the beautiful scenery. Although I had a feeling sunglass were needed occasionally (see picture below). It is just typical British weather you need every type of weather gear possible for one afternoon, sunglasses, coat, umbrella.

The point is we had a great a great weekend and the sunny afternoon brought with it great photos. And now I have visited them down in London its time for them to travel up to see me in bustling London a sure change from the seaside city of Plymouth.

You know sometimes when I start writing a post I have no idea what I am on about! A post full of pictures you say, past maria? You only have photos of one sunny afternoon, Idiot. Although I did alright at keeping words to a minimum.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading/looking at my little mid-term adventure and I will see you all soon.

Maria x

P.s. If you want a heads up of when I post there is a little button in the sidebar just under "about me" called "Followers" hit the follow button to get updates on when I post.


Sunday 26 February 2017

Introduce yourself to the course - Fact sheet and Collage 

Thursday 16 February 2017


Look at me being so efficient! Defying the odds. (Haha, maybe not, I took my time finishing it) However, unfortunately, this may not be a terribly long post, oh well. 

So for those of you that don't know last year, I did my last year of A Levels. I think I'll talk a bit more about that process another time but needless to say, I did well enough to get into university. 

I am now a full-time student at London Southbank University studying architecture!

I remember the day we got our results, I spent most of the night before coming up with plan A.B, C, D and E.(Yes, I literally had that many, no joke)  Only to find out I got into my insurance choice, all that anxiousness and thoughts of being incredibly busy dissipated and I was left with absolutely nothing to do. It was weird.

Anyway, in September I enrolled after another debacle with changeovers, this time with my dance certificate. Why is enrolling so difficult for me and why the hell is a dance certificate so damn important especially for an Architecture course! If I was studying dance I would understand, maybe.

As you can imagine, the first week was terrifying. It was instantly apparent my course was huge and bigger than normal. We are a real mixed bunch, which makes it kind of interesting, but also makes crits incredibly long. Just as well there is a pub round the corner to escape to after.

So it's now February and I have finished the first semester, time really does fly. A major jump I know. And overall it's been a lot of fun so far. We have been studying all sorts from; architectural engineering to the history of Architecture. And for the Studio and design sections of the course our topics have included, the Visible and Invisible City, as well as Room in a City. All of which will appear in the Portfolio section of my blog in due course.

We just handed in our Portfolios for an interim mark so that we get an idea of where we are. So undoubtedly there will be some things to tweak.  And This week we start semester 2 which mixes all of semester 1 topics into one in one very long and in-depth project that will finish in May.

If you would like to know any more or have any questions feel free to comment down below. Other than that I hoped you enjoyed a little overview of uni so far, and I hope to fill you in more as time goes on.

See you soon,

Maria x


Wednesday 1 February 2017


I bet you're Surprised, I'm sure you weren't expecting this so soon.

On my travels in the summer, as you are aware, I went to Singapore. You're all acutely aware I love cocktails too so, it was impossible for me especially not to visit the birthplace of the Singapore Sling. The Long bar itself is an experience, it's like stepping back in time. From the colonial facade to the interior teakwood bar and wicker chairs not to mention the traditional reef fans. You can really imagine this being the hub of socialites back in the day. Real nostalgia visit. 
The bar isn't really one of the bars you eat food apart from peanuts. Not the place to go if you have a peanut allergy at all. PEANUTS EVERYWHERE. The idea is that you nibble on the sack of peanuts on your table and then chuck the remains on the floor. The clean organised person that I am thought that the bar needed a clean when I first arrived, but after realising it was on purpose it was kind of exhilarating. 
The Singapore Sling was created in 1915 by Niam Ton Boon at Raffles long bar. At the time women were not allowed to drink alcohol in public, so he decided to create a drink that would not scream alcohol and looked more like a fruit punch. Saying that doesn't mean now it's thought of as a girly drink. However, when we were there were plenty of both genders.
It was just an amazing experience that you must go to, I can't stress that enough. As you can see from the picture below we didn't go in the evening, for us, it was more of a pre-dinner drinks. We had a relaxing girly day prior shopping at the Orchid ion mall, followed by the cinema and a photoshoot for the blog. And after we moved our cocktails and nibbles to a Tapas bar near, also delicious with a great outdoor atmosphere.

So that was my experience at the long bar, and I hope you enjoyed reliving the experience with me. I'm also sure I have adequately wetted your appetite so for the people that don't live in Singapore or can't afford to travel there immediately he is a recipe so you can attempt to make one at home.
Good luck and share the outcome with me on Instagram (@solvingmaria) if you give it a go. I hope you enjoined and feel free to comment down below.

Maria x

Friday 27 January 2017

Image may contain: ocean, dog, shoes, outdoor, water and nature
How we all feel in January. (this was actually our version of the boxing day dip)
Good Evening,

So its now 2017, Happy new year!

Before we look ahead let's reflect;

As you all know last summer I went on what I called at the time my summer escapade. You'll also be acutely aware that apart from two blogs from Singapore, you hardly heard anything more. Which at first was not my fault because for the best part of a month I went back to the stone age and had no Wi-Fi. And then lets me honest I got lazy and then extremely busy with Uni (yes, watch this space) and as I had said renovating literally my whole house.

So I've been busy, But I still want to share everything that has happened, for my own logging and also for your interest. But be warned it is going to trickle out of the creative tap.

Well, let's move on from that and talk about the new year and what that entails for the blog. If it wasn't obvious already, the blog is still alive, and fingers crossed not due to die anytime soon. But I did originally start this blog due to my move to Japan and brand it as such. However, I no longer live in Japan, so the plan is to broaden its horizons.

If you know me I love a list, so here a little list of things you can come to expect from this platform;

  • Finishing Summer Escapade 2k16 series
  • Home Renovation & Interior Design
  • Japan - because I loved it so, I'm sure there is still plenty to talk about.
  • Being at Uni and Student Life 
  • An Expansion of my Portfolio. 
  • Travel (I already have trips booked)
  • Food/Drinks - who doesn't love to eat/drink!
Ideally, I would like to post at least once a week, but I'm not sure how possibly that is likely to be. Let's start once a fortnight for now. and you all have permission to pester me when I start slacking. 

See you soon, on the next experience at Raffles Long Bar in Singapore so stay tuned.

Maria x 


Thursday 26 January 2017

Evening all,

Well, I'm writing this in the morning but it's only socially acceptable to drink in the evening after 12 pm at a push if you've had a hard day or your celebrating.

Anyways who cares. As many of you, many of you may know I quite like drinking but I also like experimenting with cocktails. That sentence took longer than it should have, writing what I had in my head without sounding like an alcoholic rather difficult apparently.

Getting distracted! The point is recently I was experimenting is a hibiscus cordial I had acquired from the Great East India Tea Company, and they were amazing if I don't say so myself so I thought I should share. They are good either for everyday or special occasion.

left- Hibiscus Cooler               Right - Hibiscus G&T

So let's get into it...
(warning none of these measurements are precise or technical)

Hibiscus Gin & Tonic

Kinda self-explanatory, a G&T with a twist.

1) Pick your favorite Gin, mine being Tanqueray, and depending how strong/weak you want it, add 1/2 shots 

2) Pick your favorite Tonic, I strongly recommend the fever tree brand especially for this recipe the one with a hint of elderflower. Then add to make the G&T strength you like.

3) Then the new bit, add in the Hibiscus cordial. This is also to taste and how you prefer it. I probably added 1/2 tablespoons. 

4) Add some ice, and enjoy.

Hibiscus Cooler 

A tall and longer drink. Which usually means; easier to drink. In the picture, I did not serve on ice but I would recommend crushed ice as an extra touch. 

1) Add 1/2 shots of your preferred spirit, either in a shaker or chosen tall glass alone with ice. I used Gin again but I have tried since and used vodka, so they are interchangeable. 

2) Then add the mixers into the shaker/glass, which are tropical fruit juice (preferably with passion fruit included) and lemonade of equal amounts. These are the main liquids so add appropriately to fill the glass/glasses.

3) Add the cordial, depending on how big your glass is 1/2 tablespoons and maybe a bit more. Now shake/ stir.

4) Now serve into the glass and add a straw. At this point, I also added a dash of Grenadine slowly down the straw to get the separation effect. And Enjoy!

Now your all set to make an hibiscus flavored drink. Have a go and enjoy, post your experiments on Instagram and tag me @solvingmaria or use the #solvingmariafood

I look forward to enjoying them with you,

Maria x

Monday 22 August 2016

Hello again,

So much to see and not enough time to do it all. That being the overall feeling throughout my trips in the past few weeks. Also so much to write about, and I will get there slowly but surely I promise. I have to say it's been so much fun, so you've got a lot to look forward to. 

But that what's to come, today I'm going to tell you about my little adventure exploring the amazing architecture in Singapore. It was amazing, so much interesting buildings, in such a small area.

The city is incredible, growing from the ground up but also out into the sea. It is a lot more modern than the average city. For example, London has both very old and very new architecture, whereas in Singapore it is mostly all new. In fact, one of the taxi drivers said that the oldest multi-storey they had left was built the early 1900s, which when you think about it is really not very old at all.

Which can be a bad thing or a good thing depending what your opinions are on the matter of old vs new and which country you're in. As we know old just doesn't work in Japan, with the ground constantly moving.

So without further or do, Let's get into my little tour;

So two my right ----->
 There is a map, a map of the main stops of my little tour around the city. Although there are plenty more buildings we stumbled upon along the way.

Start - My hotel, Swissotel Stamford. I am not there anymore, so it's ok no of you crazy people can come and find me. Haha
Stop 1 - Bugis+
Stop 2 - Parkroyal
Stop 3 - The Durian
Stop 4 - Artscience Museum
Stop 5 - Helix Bridge
Stop 6 - Marina Sands (of course)

You may call us crazy as it was around 33 degrees celsius all day but we decided to walk the whole thing. At least that was the plan until we found that there was a boat the would take us from Clarke Quay to the main bay at which most things are positioned around.


This building is quite interesting as you can see. And to be honest it was almost not part of my grand tour until I stumbled upon it while searching the web. Once I laid my eyes on the photo it was easy for me to realise I had to see it in person. In fact, it wasn't until we got there that we realised it was a shopping centre. The intricate geometric shapes bring texture in themselves, but I think my favourite aspect might be the red/terracotta tiled building behind. Nestled in the back with the foliage and the white domes shaped parts of the Bugis+ adds extra character to the buildings and even though on paper it sounds horrible, I think it works really well.

Side note: not only is Singapore the most growing city it's also the greenest city I've ever been to. Greenery everywhere, as far as the eye can see. So beautiful and refreshing

I also admire the extra showmanship shown by the designers, as when we ventured in, we were not disappointed. The same ergonomic and natural lines were carried inside as well, the ceiling almost looking like some rock formation. When venturing closer to the building to inspect the shapes on the facade you can see that each piece has been meticulously textured and arranged to give the overall finish. Amazing, I just have to say I'm sorry for the people that have to clean it, must be a nightmare I'm sure.

Park Royal

I don't know about you but I've seen this building on Instagram a few times, and I have to say I thought it was concept art. No way those floating gardens in between the building exist, but of course it does and in Singapore of all places. I suppose it's not so surprising, the city is full of initiative new modern buildings; it may all be modern but it's not all the same architect and designs are very diverse. 
There is no doubt about it, it's incredible. I almost don't know where to start. The first thing I guess is that it's a hotel so if you have a 'money no object' budget you should check it out, although if that was the case you may be tempted to go for the Marina Bay Sands. I love how again greenery is incorporated into the design, and that you get the feeling that it's a floating rainforest, with a hotel coming out of it. Instead of a modern building with some grass around it, it blends effortlessly with the different styles and foliage. 
I have to say that from every different perspective I saw a different aspect of the design, it's truly appealing from all angles. And no surprises I have tonnes of photos, and it was very hard to pick only a few for the blog let me tell you. 

The Durian

The Durian, the stinkiest fruit on the planet, a delicacy in Singapore. Or as Amy and my mum like to call it 'fly eyes', the uneducated bunch ;) . I have to say from above, I can see where they are coming from. Whatever it may look like its purpose is a theatre hall. The technique used to give its fruit like texture is quite interesting, using triangular shaped pieces on the rough in different directions to give tonal changes and the feel of depth and dimension. By only using this effect on the roof, the impact is sustained without becoming over the top or overdone. 

Art Science Museum

Or as I like to call it 'The Egg Shell', a cracked one, of course, please tell me I'm not the only person that sees it. 

To be honest, it's quite amazing that it stands up, the infrastructure to create it must be interesting. unfortunately, I couldn't persuade Amy to go inside, but from outside the way it catches the light and how the eye is attracted to it as a white object in a sea of different shades of blue. 

Helix Bridge

When you read about Singapore's Architecture it is mainly centred around the buildings around the bay but as I have shown there is so much more left unexplored. However, the Helix Bridge is around the bay, but is hardly ever mentioned and I can't imagine why.

The Helix bridge is the first and longest double helix curved bridge in the world. It's basically a gigantic version of DNA cool... but it's also curved, unbelievable!

Is that a bit too excitable? Probably, haha.

I'm having trouble describing this, I think my photos show how amazing it is. I just have to say that it is just so elegant, and sits so gracefully in it surrounding. Unlike the Millennium bridge in London, more commonly known as the wobbly bridge, it may be dainty looking but it is robust and has been constructed immaculately.

Marina Sands

I'm sure this need no introduction... everyone knows and has heard much about this building. It's become the symbol of Singapore, from its ship-like shape to its infinity pool. One thing I didn't know about was that it is curved, the ship at the top of curved!! if that wasn't enough the three pillars/buildings it is rested upon are split at the bottom like clothes pegs, in which there is a dual carriageway through. Incredible just doesn't suffice. We didn't go up at this time but we did go up to the bar eventually, and that might be a post by its self. 

Honourable mentions along the way

Thank you, everyone and I hope you enjoyed the read. Apologies for the wait, gone back to the dark ages with no Wifi, but I'll get there. 

Hang on and see you soon 

Maria x

P.s. for more photos check out my Instagram


Friday 15 July 2016

Good Evening, 

Today I'm going to try something a little different. This may not be everyone's thing, but I thought it would be fun. If you hadn't noticed by the title this is a kind of fashion post about what I wore in singapore, whilst on a trip after my exams had ended. 


Shorts, Hat - H&M, Tee - AG, Bag - Ted Baker, Shoes - Schuh, Sunglasses - Dior 


Top - Uniqlo, Shorts - Hollister, Sunglasses - Calvin Klein, Bag - Fossil

Monday Evening 

Top - Topshop, Skirt - Marc Jacobs, Jewellery - Tiffany 


Top - M&S, Shorts - Gap, Shoes - Schuh, Hat - H&M, Sunglasses - Dior 


Top, Shorts - Abercrombie and Fitch, Shoes - Clarks, Bag - Fossil, Jewellery - Tiffany.


Dress - Jack wills, Shoes - Dune, Bag - Ted baker, Sunglasses Dior


Top - Abercrombie and fitch, Skirt, Hat - H&M, Bag - Fossil, Shoes - Schuh, Sunglasses - Dior.


Top - Armani Exchange, Shorts - Abercrombie and Fitch, Shoes - Dune, Bag - Fossil, Sunglasses - Calvin Klein 

Well I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know below. And don't worry their are more blogs about my stay in singapore on their way, so stay tuned.

Maria xx
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