Sunday, 5 March 2017

Good evening,

So aside from the never-ending catch-up, it's nice to write about something a little more current. However, saying that I don't really plan on writing a lot - mostly pictures today I think. But you know me I'll have to get back to you on that because I'm sure by the end it will be completely the opposite.

Anyway, last month I had a weekend off so I decided the normal student thing to do was was travel to the end of the country on a train. Normal of course. Not a completely wasted trip I assure you, a few of my friends are at uni there, as well as my grandma that lives nearby.

First Stop Grandmas, I wasn't going to get away with travelling all that way ad not popping in, I kid, I love my grandma to pieces, in fact, the night I arrived I went to La La Land with her. Side note - AMAZING film. My cousin Amy (Blog) even came up from Plymouth to go to the cinema and catch up.

Next stop Plymouth, my trip was not exactly planned in advance so getting in touch with everyone was a little difficult, however, I did, of course, see my cousin and one of my friends from Tokyo. Geoff (Photography Instagram) and I managed to arrive ourselves, we even went for Sushi, but let's be honest English sushi I just not the same in comparison with Japan. It's expensive and lets not even get into the fact that I ordered a cucumber sushi roll and the rice was warm! Anyway, it was really good to catch up me, I hadn't seen anyone from Japan since June so it had been a long time.

Later on that weekend, the sunshine decided to poke its head out for an afternoon, so we decided to venture out with our cameras in tow. It was still incredibly windy, so it's a good thing I don't vlog, despite many people's insistence, I should.  We went to The Hoe, and it was surprisingly not freezing which meant we were able to take nice pictures of us as well as of the beautiful scenery. Although I had a feeling sunglass were needed occasionally (see picture below). It is just typical British weather you need every type of weather gear possible for one afternoon, sunglasses, coat, umbrella.

The point is we had a great a great weekend and the sunny afternoon brought with it great photos. And now I have visited them down in London its time for them to travel up to see me in bustling London a sure change from the seaside city of Plymouth.

You know sometimes when I start writing a post I have no idea what I am on about! A post full of pictures you say, past maria? You only have photos of one sunny afternoon, Idiot. Although I did alright at keeping words to a minimum.

Well, I hope you enjoyed reading/looking at my little mid-term adventure and I will see you all soon.

Maria x

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